Our headlining speaker in the 2016 lineup at our Inspirational Speaker Series tent was Keegan Kuhn, the co-Director of the award-winning documentary, Cowspiracy. In our Press Release to local journalists, we boldly claimed that VegFest Oahu was a place to learn about diet’s link to climate change, and Keegan’s talk was one of the ways we delivered. In this live recording on September 24, 2016, Keegan summarizes the impact that animal agriculture has on climate change and presents well-researched statistics. [Read more…]
Survey Results and Testimonials for VegFest Oahu
We conducted a post-event survey after the 2016 VegFest Oahu event. Total attendance for the festival is estimated at 3500-4000 by the Mayor’s office. The survey results below reflect a small sample of total attendees who completed our online survey (about 2%). Nonetheless, we are very encouraged by the results. [Read more…]
Zero Waste Trash Plan at VegFest Oahu
As an event with an emphasis on sustainability, we aimed to have a zero-waste festival using the strategies of Waste Reduction and Waste Diversion as outlined below. Our Zero Waste Plan is in accordance with the Hawaiʻi State Energy Office’s guidelines to qualify as a Green Event. Our Zero Waste Plan was Coordinated by Doorae Shin, who works for Kōkua Hawaiʻi Foundation on their Plastic Free Hawaiʻi team. [Read more…]
Free Samples Tent at VegFest Oahu
VegFest Oahu’s Free Samples Tent passed out hundreds of mini-sandwiches made from donated products from vegan food companies. Most of the attendees crowding around the tent had never tried vegan “meats” and “cheese” before and they were clearly delighted. We recommend you try those products as soon as possible! [Read more…]