Welcome to our Aloha Activism Creative Committees
VegFest Oahu wants to share our messages of compassion, health and sustainability in funny, loving, inspiring, inclusive, nurturing and encouraging ways. Let’s help people discover how easy going plant-based can be and to think of it as an adventure. VegFest Oahu wants YOUR help to create family-friendly bridges for the veg-curious coming to the festival. We believe many people in our community are teetering on the edge and ready to be inspired towards change by fun, friendly people – like YOU! – and by feeling like they are part of something right and good. VegFest Oahu is an YOUR opportunity to be part of sharing these values in our community.
Here are the projects ideas our community is brewing up to happen during the festival. Jump in and get involved. Make new friends! Contact Us and tell us what you want to help with – don’t be shy!
Activism Corner – a place for people to share and sign petitions.
Blessing Tree – prayers/wishes/visions for a healthy, sustainable and compassionate future are written on paper leaves by attendees who attach them to the tree.
Billboards and InfoGraphics – statistics about the relationship between animal agriculture and climate change photo-copied or written out in huge letters.
Free Literature Coordinator – Contact our list of vegan activist organizations (PETA, Mercy for Animals, etc.) requesting free literature donations for event (pamphlets, magazines, recipe cards, Vegan sStarter Kits, etc.). Coordinate shipment and storage of materials. Organize tables to display and give away free literature at event.
Climate Change Interactive Installations – clever, fun, physical demonstrations and educational activities that illustrate ideas connected to animal rights, diet-choice, and environmental issues. Learn More Here.
Compassion Parade – Recruit band leader with instruments. Organize a bunch of people to dress as vegetables and/or animals and follow along boisterously – perhaps singing simple chants (which we can provide!)
Community Canvas – a participatory public art-making project.
Create Your Own Super Hero – people in costume doing acts of service, or any number of creative things at the festival.
Flash Mob / Dance Mob – let’s pick a world peace song and do this!
Gallery of Famous Vegans – photos of – and quotes from – famous vegans.
Photo-Op Billboards “cuts outs” – painted plywood where people’s faces appear in the resulting photo.
Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping – find him on YouTube, memorize one of his sermons and do it at VegFest! Or write your own – become a true Vegangilist.
Street Theater – we would love it if every 20 minutes at VegFest Oahu a random skit happens. Like two people suddenly start having a scripted conversation very loudly. Better if a) in costume, b) the delivery is funny and c) has lots of statistics about animal agriculture and/or climate change.
TV Room – a Big TV sitting on a table, a couch, some easy chairs – running a playlist of YouTube clips with vegan humor, songs, PETA commercials, etc.
Veggie Joke Thief – search the Internet for veg and sustainability humor, memorize the jokes, and give us 10 minutes of laughs! We already have some jokes for you to use…
Video Stories Booth – set up a video camera – attendees have 1 minute to share One Good Thing about veganism.