VegFest Oahu attendees were invited to express their prayers/wishes/dreams for a healthy, sustainable and compassionate future by writing on paper leaves and attaching them to our festival Blessing Tree. Here are their visions from our September 2016 festival.
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I pray that one day we will see a vegan world.
The earth is a beautiful place and I hope people stay healthy. by Leah
I wish there is more peace in the world and people would know the true meaning of life…love and COMPASSION!
May my efforts be meaningful. May I fill bellies as well as hearts. Success in labor.
May my body stay strong and healthy. All love, Rad
I wish for Veg Fest to happen every year & bring more vegans into the world.
Let’s all come together and get back to where we belong. With our mother Earth.
Love, light and happiness be in all of you.
I wish for people to not eat or kill animals. – Zayne
I wish for people to adopt a vegan lifestyle for health, the animals and the Earth!
I wish for all creatures to be free of suffering and for our beautiful earth to get some TLC.
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I wish to see people more open minded about the wonders of a plant based life!
I wish I had a toy –Skye (4 years old)
I Bless that pepol will take good care of the erth. Elijah
For everyone to be vegetarians!
I wish for Love Happiness Joy Heath Fun For All beings Forever
Bike, live and eat simply; Minimize waste.
I wish the only animal cruelty is in Minecraft. ~JK
I wish people weren’t homeless anymore.
“If animals could speak, mankind would weep” Please go vegan.
I want the universe to be healthy NC.
I wish everyone would go vegan. Deandre
The life of water for all!
I wish people would take better care of the environment and reduce garbage in landfills! Lily Ames
I wish that everyone could see that “loving animals” isn’t consuming meat, dairy, and eggs! #govegan
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