Calling all Makers, Artists, Teachers, Activists and YOU!
We know you’ve got what it takes to make a difference in the world and VegFest Oahu is your opportunity to create something tangible that will help people understand the link between our diet choices and climate change in clear and obvious ways.
We invite you to invent help us create and present the ideas below, or invent your own:
Interactive Installations or Demonstrations or Models that show in some graphic way the statistics of the impact of the food and agricultural business on the environment.
We’re looking for clever, fun, physical demonstrations or educational activities that illustrate ideas connected to: animal rights, diet-choice, and environmental issues that we could present in our VegFest Oahu Gallery Tent. We’re imagining something along the line of what one might see at a school science fair. Let’s raise awareness in creative and family-friendly ways!
Current Ideas for Interactive Climate Change Exhibits:
Manure and Greenhouse Gasses
MODEL SUGGESTION: Contrast using lego blocks to represent the yearly percentage of green house gases (in pounds or gallons) that scientists say are the primary cause of climate change. Most think it’s cars, trucks and power plants. Have stacks of legos that represents each of these three. Invite people to make another pile that represents methane production from animal agriculture. Then bring out an assembled stack that shows the truth.
Conditions of Chicken Slaughter Houses and Egg laying Chickens
MODEL SUGGESTION: A simple example is to buy a crate from Home Depot (standard size) and put 4 to 6 stuffed animals inside (make sure they are size of an average chicken) which is standard for most egg laying or chicken slaughterhouses. Write a sign to place next to it explaining the situation.
Excessive Water Use
MODEL SUGGESTION: Have a guessing game using a huge empty water container asking: how many gallons of water it takes to make a pound of beef? (Answer is 660 gallons = 1 hamburger!)
Land Consumption Used by Animal Agriculture
MODEL SUGGESTION: Constructed a huge map of the world and have a guessing game about how many acres are used for animal agriculture to feed people? Have velcro pieces of fabric that they can use to cover up spaces on the map according to their guess. Keep saying “more, more” until 45% percent of the map is covered (which is the amount of land on earth used to raise livestock).
Guidelines for Climate Change Exhibits
• You MUST register your idea with the Climate Change Exhibits Team Leader, Terri Funakosi. She can help you make a plan to create one of the ideas above and connect you with others interested in this project. Please contact Terri by September 10, 2016 at: (You are welcome to choose one of the ideas above on this page, we would love to see them come to life!)
• Finished pieces must be free standing, nothing can be staked into the ground. We will have 6 foot tables available to display pieces.
• You must provide a written sign or literature that explains your piece and the statistics that it is based on.
• You must deliver your finished piece to the VegFest Oahu Exhibit Tent on September 24, 2016 by 12pm.
• You must take dismantle and remove your finished piece from the VegFest Oahu Exhibit Tent on September 24, 2016 between 6:30pm and 7:30pm. Please do not leave any trash behind, we are a zero waste event!
• You may apply for a stipend from VegFest Oahu if your idea has expenses beyond your means. Please include an itemized proposed budget when you register your idea with the Team Leader.
• Please take photos of your project at the design stage and throughout the building of it. You and the “making of” your Climate Change Exhibit will be featured in our VegFest Oahu video, website, and social media!